The project saw international painters and artists collaborate with locals to transform the town into a vibrant Maasai Art Village.
The idea came from Norwegian citizen currently living in Kenya to give hope through art after a prolonged drought
More than 50 young men and women in the Mile 46 town have gotten a chance to hone their painting skills in a unique program seeking to beautify the town through art into most artist village in East Africa.
En av aktivitetene under psykisk helse uka har vært kurs i affirmative art.
Skolen har hatt besøk av kunstner Eirik Trondsen som har tatt ulike elevgrupper gjennom dette verktøyet for å sette i gang en tankeprosess for å motivere og finne bærekraftige drømmer.
Org. nummer – 914 935 059
Bank – DNB
Kontonummer - 1503 5678 791
IBAN – NO30 1503 5678 791
VIPPS - 102628
How to Support
© 2021 Art For Change Foundation. Made by Affirmative Art Designs