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Om stiftelsen

Art for Change is a global nonprofit. Our vision is to support initiatives that use art and creativity as a means for personal expression and positive change. We bring hope and faith to communities through colorful transformations. We encourage the young generation to reach for their dream future, and build supportive communities across borders.


Art for change foundation was founded in Norway in 2015 with a geographic focus on East Africa. The foundation uses Affirmative Art method to create positive personal and societal change by empowering dreams, transforms towns into colorful artworks and runs an affirmative Kids Club in Kibera, Kenya.


Affirmative Art was born when the founder got disillusioned with foreign aid and faced a personal crisis. He painted his dream future time after time, and achieved it. He realized art could be a powerful tool for defining the dream future. Something foreign aid is not doing because development has to come from the inside and it all starts with a dream.



Your support empowers visions of future generations, one colorful dream at a time!

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The project saw international painters and artists collaborate with locals to transform the town into a vibrant Maasai Art Village.

The idea came from Norwegian citizen currently living in Kenya to give hope through art after a prolonged drought


More than 50 young men and women in the Mile 46 town have gotten a chance to hone their painting skills in a unique program seeking to beautify the town through art into most artist village in East Africa.


En av aktivitetene under psykisk helse uka har vært kurs i affirmative art.

Skolen har hatt besøk av kunstner Eirik Trondsen som har tatt ulike elevgrupper gjennom dette verktøyet for å sette i gang en tankeprosess for å motivere og finne bærekraftige drømmer. 



Org. nummer – 914 935 059
Bank – DNB

Kontonummer - 1503 5678 791
IBAN – NO30 1503 5678 791

VIPPS - 102628

Physical Address

Østveien 436B, 3145 Tjøme, Norway






How to Support

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© 2021 Art For Change Foundation. Made by Affirmative Art Designs

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